Sunday, February 15, 2015


Analysis of IOC

After listening to my IOC practice, I scored myself at an 18/30 on the IB rubric. I feel that I spoke with a fairly confident tone, including many examples to support my argument, and that I was able to structure my argument decently. I had trouble with organizing my argument with proper examples, but feel that I did a good job of explaining the plot in relation to what the reader understands.

A: Knowledge & Understanding of Text

I gave myself a 6 on the rubric because I was able to adequately describe where in the play this extract came from and explained the significance to the overall play. I introduced the main characters and described their relationship. I constantly referred to examples that showed this as well as other plot points.
B: Understanding of Use & Effects of Literary Features

I gave myself a 6 on the rubric because I did include literary devices used by the reader but had difficulties with picking out how many I wanted to talk about. My question to Mrs. G is how many literary devices should we focus on talking about to make a strong argument versus just talking about literary devices? I was able to talk about how the devices used impacted the character in the text.
C: Organization

For me, this was the hardest part to formulate. I tried to make my structure through separating the asides from the dialogue between the characters. Within that, I talked about plot significance and how it related to audience understanding of the text. I wouldn't say it was well organized though so I gave myself a 3 on the rubric.

D: Language

I was surprised by how calm and collected my tone was when listening back to the recording. I thought my register was appropriate and engaging. I did notice that I often said uh/uhm during various points in my recording which is a nervous tic I tend to have when speaking. Thus, I felt like some of that hindered the clarity of my argument so I gave myself a 3 on the rubric.

I analyzed the following passage from Macbeth:


  1. I thought you did a great job on this blog post! Your grading justifications were really good, and I liked how you went in depth into your justifications. Your annotations also seem good by looking at the picture. You didn't highlight much but you seemed to have prepared an order for what you spoke about and had a focused end result. Next time, you could try writing more in the margins about what you are planning to argue. Overall, great post!

  2. I thought you did a great job on this blog post! Your grading justifications were really good, and I liked how you went in depth into your justifications. Your annotations also seem good by looking at the picture. You didn't highlight much but you seemed to have prepared an order for what you spoke about and had a focused end result. Next time, you could try writing more in the margins about what you are planning to argue. Overall, great post!

  3. For organization something that really helped me was putting bullet marks with the literary devices and points that I wanted to make sure I hit, then I had a section of points that were minor to fill time but I made sure they would fit chronologically so it was in order. Also to keep the bullet points short but include examples I found words from each line i wanted to use that reminded me of the whole line so I could easily go back and find it.
