Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I was...It was...

Coming into Millbrook High School, I was, in essence, no one. I was shy, a bit reserved, but eager to start my journey here. I was a fresh slate, sticking to groups of people from middle school who I thought would remain my friends forever. I quickly realized how this would change and decided to meet new people. Looking back, I now realize that was the best decision I ever made. It wasn't until sophomore year that I decided to get involved with something I love, something I would pursue for the rest of my time here. So, I chose track.

Sophomore year was a turning point in my life. I was a high-achieving student, I was focused towards my goals. I was inducted into French Honors Society. I was excited about joining a sports team. I was also determined to show the people around me, that I was worthy. I think that has been the one thing that I have internally struggled with, showing others that I am worthy of being someone, a friend, a role model, an achiever, a hard-worker, a fast runner.

Junior year, I was finally someone in my eyes. Joining IB, it gave me the chance to meet individuals that had the same goals as I did for the future and it placed me in an environment where we became family. I value these close relationships deep in my heart and am excited to see what the future holds for all of us. (#IBFamForever) It was during this year that I was finally feeling like I belonged somewhere, especially with the special bond I held with my track team and with IB. I was working so hard to juggle the demands of the program as well as proving myself in being a Varsity level runner. I was inducted into the National Honors Society. I was starting to think about college.

Senior year, I was coming into my last year with a positive attitude. I was thinking, "I can do this. I can finish IB. I can run faster. I can be a leader. I can succeed. I can get accepted into college." So far, all of these things have been true. In my opinion, IB wasn't nothing I couldn't handle. I learned that having a hard work ethic and positive mindset along with a tough mentality can carry you through any situation, no matter how hard.

Reflecting on the past four years, I can honestly say that it was awesome, stressful, exciting, emotional, and really fun! It was the best four years anyone could ever be given to learn, grow, mature, succeed, fail, make mistakes, be a teenager, live life with no regrets; all before the next chapter of our great lives: college. It was an experience that made life-lasting memories, full of great laughs, amazing and inspirational friends, yummy honor roll breakfasts, thrilling track meets and invitationals, an extravagant extravaganza, and epic sporting events. It was something special, something that if looked back upon 10 years from now, I would say there wouldn't be a single thing I would change. It was Millbrook that gave me a beginning. It was the teachers, coaches, mentors, role models, friends, and peers that supported me along the way. It was a Wildcat family that will sit inside my soul forever. I was Millbrook. Now, I am parting ways (this will be an emotional experience) and  am looking forward to the next chapter. (Though I'm not ready yet, we still got 50 days until graduation). ;)


  1. High school man. Can't live with it, can't live without it. I find it really amazing that you kind of found your path through something that I am a part of as well. It's really been interesting how we've watched each other develop from both close and afar. I really can't wait to see what the next four years have in store for you! Good luck!

    1. I totally agree with you! Joining the track team was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life, it gave me a foundation to build from. I am very honored to have watched you as well, becoming one of the top pole vaulters in the state and all. I'm so excited to see how far you go and I thank you for being able to share the experience with me both on and off the track. You are a legacy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your work ethic has been absolutely impressive to watch. From the classroom to the track, I've watched you outwork people to get to where you are for the last seven (wow) years. It's been an honor to watch you transform into the person you are today. Best of luck in college and beyond!

  4. I'm so glad that I've gotten so much closer to you the past two years since we started on our journey of IB together. We've only had a few classes together but you never fail to brighten my day. I've seen you work extremely hard for your goals both in and out of the classroom, and you're an amazing friend :) I hope we stay in touch throughout college! <3

  5. Katya this was amazing to read. Watching us grow up from Pleasant Union to Millbrook has been a beautiful, yet awkward experience! You are one of the all-around best people I have ever met. You know what you want, and you go after it. You don't let anything or anyone stop you. You take initiative when it's time to be a leader, and you listen when it's time to support someone else. I thank God every day for Him blessing me with someone as special as you. I will miss you after high school, but I know we will always stay track sisters. Love you dearly:)<3
